Welcome to Suzuki Fluit Vlaanderen vzw.
We have a lot more Suzuki Flute Teachers now in Flanders than before: Brussels – Ghent – Herentals – Tirlemont – Turnhout. Don’t hesitate to send us an e-mail for more information about the Suzuki Flute Teachers.
We are delighted to invite you to join
Suzuki Workshop by the Sea, August 16 – 20 2022, Oostduinkerke for Flute, Violin, Viola & Cello
Flute: Anke van der Bijl (NL) – Marco Messina (I) – Machteld Van Geenhoven (B) – Delphine Dewald (B)
Violin/ Viola: Lieselotte Crols (B)
Cello: Johanna Renaud (F) – Mattijs Louwye (B)
Registration Workshop Oostduinkerke 16-20 August 2022
Contact: suzukifluit@gmail.com
We are supported by
EMVIE bvba, Zaakvoerder Marc Vennekens
Hortensiadreef, 7 2460 Kasterlee
Muziekcentrale ADAMS
Bosstraat, 73 3560 Lummen